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Bed bug infestations are primarily the result of two species of insects from genus Cimex: Cimex lectularius (the common bed bug) and Cimex hemipterus (the tropical bed bug).[3] These insects feed exclusively on blood and, at any stage of development, may survive up to 70 days without feeding.[8] Adult Cimex are light brown to reddish-brown, flat, oval, and have no hind wings. The front wings are vestigial and reduced to pad-like structures. Adults grow to 4–5 mm (0.16–0.20 in) long and 1.5–3 mm (0.059–0.118 in) wide. Female common bed bugs can lay 1–10 eggs per day and 200–500 eggs in their lifetime, whereas female tropical bed bugs can lay about 50 eggs in their lifetime.[8]
Bed bugs have five immature nymph life stages and a final sexually mature adult stage.[17] Bed bugs need at least one blood meal to advance to the next stage of development.[8] They shed their skins through ecdysis at each stage, discarding their outer exoskeleton.[18] Newly hatched nymphs are translucent, lighter in color, and become browner as they reach maturity. Bed bugs may be mistaken for other insects, such as booklice, small cockroaches, or carpet beetles; however, when warm and active, their movements are more ant-like, and like most other true bugs, they emit a characteristic disagreeable odor when crushed.
Bed bugs are obligatory bloodsuckers. They have mouth parts that saw through the skin and inject saliva with anticoagulants and painkillers. Sensitivity of humans varies from extreme allergic reaction to no reaction at all (about 20%). The bite usually produces a swelling with no red spot, but when many bugs feed on a small area, reddish spots may appear after the swelling subsides.[19] Bedbugs prefer exposed skin, preferably the face, neck, and arms of a sleeping person.
Bed Bugs are parasitic insects that are known for being the cause of numerous health effects like rashes, allergies, and psychological effects. Bed bugs can usually be found in the lining and cushioning of car sees, couches, wall cracks, crevices and beds. Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown, flattened, opalescent shaped and have no wings.
Bed Bugs typically stay close to their hosts, within 6 – 8 feet. Repeated exposures to bed bug bites during a period of several weeks or more causes people to become sensitized to the saliva of these bugs; additional bites may then result in mild to intense allergic responses. The skin lesion produced by the bite of a bed bug resembles those caused by many other kinds of blood feeding insects, such as mosquitoes and fleas. For first time victims, lesions sometimes can be confused with poison ivy and spider bites.